Recent Events



17th January 2018.   At our Annual General Meeting Mr Mike Mansfield was elected President for the next two years.   He replaced retiring President Mr William Sweet.   Mr Bob Cooper was appointed Vice President.  Our thanks are given to Bill for his service to the association during his second term as President.





On the 25th January: President Mike and his wife Alison, immediate Past President Bill and his wife Doreen, together with Past Presidents Aubrey and Liz supported the Caledonian Society at their Burns Night festivities.


On Sunday 4th February 19 of us enjoyed a Sunday lunch at the Mayfair Hotel, following a service at St George's at Boscombe



On Wednesday 14th Febrary: The Mayor and Mayoress of Bournemouth together with members of Bournemouth Cornish Association raised a flag outside the BIC to celebrate the Birthday of Louis Tregonwell the founder of Bournemouth (flags were also raised on the Exeter Hotel and St Peters Church). Afterwards prayers were said around his grave at St Peters Church.




Saturday 17th March

Five of our members had the pleasure of attending the annual lunch of The London Cornish Association.


Wednesday 21st March

24 members enjoyed a lovely St Piran's lunch at the Bear Cross Hotel.




Wednesday 18th April.     Pasty Supper and Quiz Evening held at the Moose Hall, Malmesbury Park Road  Bournemouth.   Fun Evening, overall winners of the quiz were Liz and Alan Uff,  Deana Brown and Anne Parsons.


The president Mike Mansfield had the pleasure of celebrating the Founders' day of Bournemouth, held by the Mayor at the Royal Exter Hotel at a lunch on 25th April


Winners at the Skittles/Fish & Chip Evening.   Wednesday 16th May at the Moose Hall. Were




    Carol West - Best lady                    Wooden spoon - President                  CliveAllen - Best man


24th June Afternoon Cream Tea



18 people enjoyed the sunshine and a wonderful BBQ on Sunday 17th June plenty of meat, salad and desserts.


15th August Lunch at the Bear Cross


Another lovely lunch had by all 21 attendees


19th September - Harvest Supper attended by 18 'beetlers' Carol was the best lady and Mike the best male. A pleasant supper followed and a raffle completed the evening.


Amost enjoyable Annual Dinner was held at the Mayfair Hotel on the 20th October. This was supported by Cornish Societies from around the country and our local Caledonian Society. A Pasty lunch followed the next day.




Pasty Supper 21st November was enjoyed by 27 pasty addicts. Always our most popular evening.


Christmas party 12th December at the Moose Hall was only supported by 16 members. Disappointing numbers, but there were so many other functions at the same time this restricted attendance.


Our AGM business when completed was finished with soup, scones and cakes. Lovely. Now for another year.